Manual on Corporate Governance
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2022
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2021
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2020
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2019
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2018
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017
Annual Corporate Governance Report 2016
Annual Corporate Governance Report 2015
Annual Corporate Governance Report 2014
Annual Corporate Governance Report 2013
Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012
Board Committees and Charters
Internal Audit Charter
Enterprise Risk Management
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
Company's Policies
Information Policy
Board Diversity Policy
Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting
Executive Succession Plan Policy
Director and Executive Remuneration Policy
Gifts and Entertainment
Related Party Transaction Policy
Material Related Party Transaction Policy
Insider Trading Policy
Safety, Health and Welfare Policy
Social Development Policy
Environmental Policy
Safeguarding Creditors' Rights Policy
Supplier and Contractor Policy
Customer Welfare Policy
Supplier and Contractor Policy
The Company’s Supplier and Contractor Policy upholds accountability, integrity, fairness and transparency in its business dealings with suppliers and contractors in the procurement of goods and services. It shall seek the best value for money without compromising the quality standards and business ethics set by the Company.
The Company’s quality policy for procurement activities ensure competitive sourcing and pricing of highest quality of goods and services to support the Company’s objectives. It shall assess, select and evaluate suppliers and contractors based on the standards of quality, expertise, track record, competitive pricing, delivery timeframe and customer service.
The Company has integrated ‘green’ initiatives and sustainable practices in its accreditation procedures. Suppliers are screened using environmental criteria such as waste management, environmental and/or regulatory compliance certificates; labor practices in supply chain covering child labor, forced labor; and human rights criteria. It shall favor suppliers and contractors that observe and respect the Company’s Code of Conduct.
Our Expectations of Suppliers, Contractors and Business Partners (downloadable)
Supplier Commitment Form: (downloadable)
SEMIRARA MINING AND POWER CORPORATION (SMPC) is an integrated energy enterprise that is committed to provide reliable, affordable energy to the Philippines. We operate towards achieving a rational and disciplined balance between business sustainability and inclusive growth.
Our stakeholders expect us to uphold the high standards of responsible and ethical corporate citizenship and to encourage a similar commitment by suppliers, contractors and business partners (Suppliers) with which we do business.
Employees are expected to share SMPC’s commitment to uphold legal, ethical and generally recognized standards with Suppliers in carrying out procurement duties and responsibilities. Our procurement decisions are made on the basis of quality, service, price, delivery and best value.
By laying out our expectations of Suppliers, we expect Suppliers to respect our corporate values and to demonstrate responsible supply chain management. SMPC may elect to not work with or cease business relationships with Suppliers who do not meet our expectations or are unwilling to take corrective action on noncompliance to ensure we do business the right sustainable way.
Raising Concerns
If you have concerns about our expectations of suppliers, contractors and business partners, please email
a. Quality
SMPC values fairness, integrity, accountability and responsibility as we believe that relationships built on these values will be sustainable and beneficial for all.
We expect Suppliers to be committed in meeting the quality standards without compromising business ethics.
Suppliers are expected to provide accurate information about their products and services and be fully responsive to inquiries and concerns they receive.
b. Environment
Environmental impact is crucial to SMPC’s sustainable operations. SMPC expects Suppliers to comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations and support a proactive approach to promote the environment’s sustainability.
Suppliers having significant environmental impact shall demonstrate proof of responsible environmental stewardship through a recognized Environmental Management system in place that ensures compliances are monitored, controlled, monitored, mitigated and reported. They are expected to ensure continual improvement of their business process and mitigating measures are in place to reduce and monitor the environmental impact of their operations.
c. Safety and Health
SMPC expects Suppliers to maintain and promote a safe, productive and healthy workplace for their employees, customers, contractors and the general public in compliance with relevant laws and regulations on occupational health and safety.
SMPC expects Suppliers to know and fully comply with SMPC safety policies and procedures while conducting business in company premises at all times.
a. Gifts and Entertainment
Suppliers shall not pay bribes or make any other inducement (e.g. kickbacks, facilitation payments, gifts and hospitality, etc.) in the pursuit or facilitation of business transactions with SMPC.
b. Legal and Other Compliances
SMPC expects suppliers, contractors and business partners to comply with applicable laws regulations on labor, environment, safety and health, generally recognized standards and contractual agreements. Suppliers are expected to not engage in any business transaction involving illegal activities.
c. Fair Dealings and Competition
SMPC expects Suppliers to be committed in complying with relevant laws on free and fair competition. Suppliers are expected to prohibit illegal or unethical business practices such as manipulation, concealment, abuse of privilege information, or misrepresentation of material facts to seek an unfair advantage.
a. Child Labor and Forced Labor
SMPC expects Suppliers to be free from all forms of child labor. Persons under the age of 18 or below the legal minimum age of employment of the country from which their business operate, shall not be employed.
SMPC expects Suppliers to not engage in or condone forced labor in any form, including forced overtime.
b. Fair Treatment and Diversity
SMPC expects Suppliers to provide fair and decent working conditions and not tolerate any forms of harassment, discrimination and intimidation on the basis of race, origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, or any unlawful reason.
c. Working Hours, Compensation and Benefits
SMPC expects Suppliers to ensure that fair wages and benefits are given to their employees and the working hours are within limits in accordance with relevant laws and legal standards.
SMPC expects its suppliers, contractors and business partners to keep the confidentiality of the Company’s business and proprietary information and to only strictly use them for authorized purposes.
SMPC expects Suppliers to support the sustainability and progress of the host communities from which they operate through strategic partnerships that will boost social and economic development.
SMPC expects Suppliers to ensure compliance with the principles of respecting and upholding human rights, justice and fair play.