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Corporate Governance > Company's Policies > Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting

Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting

Our Company upholds its commitment to good governance by complying with laws and regulations and observing high ethical standards in the conduct of its business. It requires its employees and business partners to practice these ethical standards in conducting their duties and responsibilities and does not tolerate fraud, abuse of authority, non-compliance or unethical behavior.
Our Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting Guidelines provide a mechanism to enable anyone to freely communicate any violation of laws, regulations, company policies, the company’s Code of Conduct and ethical standards.
Responsible Reporting
The Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting is an additional reporting feature and a secure venue for employees and stakeholders to pro-actively and responsibly raise valid concerns affecting the Company. Upon receipt of a concern or complaint, the Company makes an assessment thereof, and directs the concern or complaint to the department or authority best placed to address it or lead the investigation in person to ensure prompt and appropriate investigation and resolution. Once the investigation has been completed, the whistleblower will be directly informed of the outcome.
For any concern or complaint covered by our whistleblowing guidelines, any employee or business partner may send a report by accomplishing the Whistleblowing Integrity Form or by sending via electronic mail to
Malicious Reporting
The Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting tool is not intended for false or malicious complaints. While it is intended to protect the Reporter from any unfair treatment resulting from his/her disclosure, abuse or misuse of the Whistleblowing Integrity mechanism by making petty, false or malicious complaints is not tolerated.
Reporting of the concern or complaint raised shall be treated with due care and confidentiality. It is essential that the Reporter provide all critical information, details and documentation to enable the Company to effectively evaluate and investigate the matter. In reporting a concern anonymously, there must be adequate information provided for the Company to have an informed judgment as it is difficult to assess the genuineness of an anonymous report without sufficient basis.
The Company strictly prohibits reprisal, intimidation or harassment of any kind against a Reporter who discloses a complaint or concern in good faith and based on his/her reasonable belief that a wrongdoing was committed. Those participating in an investigation of a complaint are likewise covered by this policy. The Company shall investigate and address promptly any concern of retaliation and harassment brought to its attention. Any reprisal or victimization will be treated as serious disciplinary matter and as such, the Company shall extend all possible assistance to the Reporter under the law.
Remedies and Sanctions
Any employee or stakeholder who does, causes or encourages retaliatory actions against a Reporter, his/her relatives, and/or any employee supporting the Reporter, shall be subjected to any and all applicable administrative, civil and/or criminal proceedings.
If it is eventually proven that the Reporter made malicious and fabricated falsehoods, and/or he/she persists in making them, appropriate legal action may be taken against him/her by the Company.